Welcome to the little world of Af2Doo. It is a new phase of the old merging with the new.
Friends and those who respect the locals privacy are loved in this space. Tourist operators and tourists who think they have the right
to invade our privacy and abuse us in their quest to do as they please in our personal space because we get in your way; ARE NOT.

Engage and enjoy as this adventure of the unknown into cyberspace unfolds....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A few days at home

Well, it is lovely to be at home. For more than a day and a night or two! Don't get here often these days with study and the odd bit of relief work in Town.
Haven't achieved much and I'm certainly not prepared for the week to come. Going into shutdown mode is definately not a good look. Will be frantic tomorrow if I can ever get out of bed or off the couch on the front porch! A trip to the beach or a walk along the coast of the National Park might be an option - or a dream away.... 
The Beach...yes wayyy over there, that little speck is our place

5 minutes in the opposite direction and I could be here

I wonder if the lawn mower or the alarm your having when your not having an alarm will visit tomorrow???

Mmmm probably neither... It'll be the rubbish truck or the possum in the roof!!


  1. I now know why you are so keen to get home to this beautiful place. I can't wait to visit. :)

  2. Congratulations on your first post - this is progressing well. What a lovely spot - it must be sooo hard to drag yourself away and come back to "reality". Well done

  3. Depends on your perspective of reality really. I've been living this one for over 13years. Coming to Town is not far off nightmare status for me really, but I'm glad most of the mob live there!

  4. I think I am about to regret the last half or that comment....Reality is a changin :(

    Has any one noticed how the time on these posts are rather bizarre??

  5. Have just been visiting some other class members blogs. I would just like to inform you I am VERY FLATTERED that some of you are using the same template and background as me. Tis just lovely but I feel you really should be your original selves now.

  6. I just love your blog Mother moonshine! It's really unique and has some spectacular images..and I love your photos of the ducks in your yard. And the Tasman Peninsula is one of my favourite places and I hope to one day buy some land at Nubeena or Highcroft. I love it down there, beautiful place to live :-)
